Saturday, February 28, 2015

Plugin edit by Hartmann

"Auto-Mix" which is widely known as a Pug mode, is an Automatic plugin which runs a 10 men scrim by a simple command!
It waits for 10 players to join the server, starts a vote map, changes to the map that was chosen (picks 4 random maps from configs/maps.ini), makes a teams vote (how teams should be organized), starts a knife round (winner team gets to be in the CT team), and then starts the scrim, after 15 rounds switching teams and when a team reaches score 16 she wins (There are included ACE and MINI ACE when you kill 4 / 5 people, also there are tags automatically added of the teams + score is being shown as for teams (A or B, and not CT or T)

This AMX Mod X plugins is a modification of the original plugin in which I have tried to add additional feature and fixed all known bugs.


  • Simple Team Tagging (a. or b.) 
  • Added spectate option for Admins
  • Colored Chat Messages
  • Added Voteban 
  • Removed password protection
  • Added Private Message
  • Added Auto-Ready
  • Added Adminship details option in the player menu which shows a MOTD.
  • !rr - Restarting round (Only for ADMINS)
  • !restart - Restarting server (Only for ADMINS)
  • !score - Shows the teams current score (Only when match starts).
  • amx_automix_settings - Access to Administrators ONLY! This is a console command where you can change different of settings about the Auto-Mix Plugin, mostly Plugin Cvars and max players.

  1. Take the pug.cfg and practice.cfg files and make sure to upload them to your cstrike/ folder! You can take the original ones from my upload, or just make yours, explanation about them are listed above.
  2. Take the pug.ini file and make sure it's uploaded to cstrike/addons/amxmodx/configs, CAUTION! Make sure there's written 0 in there when installing!
  3. Edit file amxmodx/configs/maps.ini to which maps you want the plugin to randomally pick from at MAP VOTE.
  4. Make sure pimpspug.amxx is in the addons/amxmodx/plugins folder, and that you wrote the line 'pimpspug.amxx' in your configs/plugins.ini file (just add a line there saying 'pimpspug.amxx')
  5. Restart the server, and as everyone says on installation guides.

Bugs Reporting



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I install auto mix what I do open credits
